Souldier aus Chicago fertigt umweltbewusste Gitarrengurte. Seit 2006 vertreibt man diese und andere artverwandte Produkte mit lebenslanger Garantie und möchte auf der NAMM 2010 im Januar mit einem besonders umweltfreundlichen Stand ein Zeichen setzen. Hierzu will man, wie bei den Produktlinien auf recycelte und aufbereitete Materialien zurückgreifen.

Update zu Nino Notaro:
Ninos Schwester Biachi hat sich auf Crewspace zu Wort gemeldet und das folgende Video veröffentlicht.
Hi everyone, it is Nino's sister (Biachi) and I am going to take over his site for a little while, so you, any of you who felt close with Nino can find some comfort in the fact that we lost one of the greatest sound engineers in the world, my brother Nino. My heart has been shredded into pieces and I am hurting beyond belief. He has been living with me in San Francisco since June of 2008. He was very sick with end stage 4 cirrhosis and it was a very slow and painful illness. I was with him the morning he passed which was Sunday, Nov. 22, 2009 at 2:03am. I was in his bed with him in ICU holding him and looking in his eyes as he peacefully drifted. We made sure he did not die alone and I told him to look me in the eyes and I will always be with him spiritually. I am still in disbelief and this one will hurt for a very long time. I'm so sorry to give you all this horrible news. I am trying to get donations (even if it is 20 bucks) in order to have him cremated and have a service in San Francisco as he requested. Please contact me at ratattackmusic@aol.com OR go to PayPal and look for that email address to donate. I love my brother very much and we are like twins. Please feel free to add me on facebook.com/biachi as I am here for any of you who want some kind of emotional support in his passing. You all will comfort me as well. I wrote this song quickly on my IMAC so forgive the crappy sound quality. Even Nino's dog Bella and my dog Joey are barking in background, it's a messy recording when I played my 12 string and sang and quickly recorded it and I hope you all find some comfort in the music and lyrics. FUCK wearing makeup as this is 100% sincere love for my brother Nino. You can feel the way you want to, the way you need to, you can heal the way you want to, the way you need to. Mucho amore tu mi amigos of my brothers. Much love, Biachi xoxo
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